MIDI OUT sends events (e.g. keystrokes) from KN to another MIDI device (e.g. KN is used as a master keyboard for a computer)

MIDI THRU lets pass MIDI events from MIDI IN to another instrument – it's for a complex chain of MIDI instruments.

LINE OUT output to an amplifier/recorder - either 2 big mono jacks or 1 stereo big jack (?)

PHONES output for phones

FOOT SW Foot switch – an on/off pedal – usually sustain pedal (also called hold/piano pedal)

EXP PEDAL Expression pedal controls expression (or volume) – probably good for organs

Voltage switch 120/220V

KN uses something I'll call music parts – sets of instruments that can be played together in some modes – e.g. sax, accompaniment and drums. They are:

POLY1 primary instrument

POLY2 secondary instrument – left hand instrument in split-keyboard mode

BASS 1 octave lower transposed bass instrument, not polyphonic

ACCOMP 1-3 see Rhythm & accompaniment

DRUMS Each key represents one drum (or nothing)

These parts are important for many functions and for MIDI.

These controllers have the same function in all modes of KN.

POWER Power on/off

MAIN VOLUME Amplification level valid for all music parts

PITCH BEND moving the wheel smoothly changes the pitch +/- 2 semitones, perfect for rock-guitar solos. (Can it be redefined (?)) The slider switches modulation (vibrato) on/off.

Instrument of for the active part is selected. Of course, each part can be assigned with another instrument.

The instrument is selected from a matrix of instruments like in chess – JAZZ GUITAR is 2nd row button and 3rd column button, order doesn't matter. Each instrument has 2 variations/timbers – they can be altered with right VARIATION button

Bass instruments are only 16 and so only column buttons are relevant, no variation is available either.

Conductor determines which part is active - Drums/Bass/POLY1/POLY2. Upper POLY2 splits keyboard so that upper part of keyboard plays POLY1 (e.g. piano) and the lower one POLY2 (e.g. organ). See KEY SPLIT.

KN can help you with music playback, so that it adds rhythmic section, bass and accompaniment to your music, or only some of these. Most of the work does it on its own.

Rhythm is selected the same way as a sound – through a matrix of rhythms – again DIXIE is 4th column button (i.e. 4th in the row of buttons) and 2nd row button (i.e. 2nd button in the column of buttons) Variation is also possible.

START/STOP To start the playback press START/STOP button, to stop it, press the button again.

INTRO/ENDING If you want to start the song with an overture, press INTRO/ENDING button and then START/STOP. To end the tune with a nice ending, press the INTRO/ENDING again instead of START/STOP.

FILL IN plays a rhythmic break during playback

SYNCHRO Synchronizes the playback or start of the playback to your key-hits

Not only drums can be added to your music but also accompaniments such as bass-line and background chords. This section helps you to select whether to use it and how to use. If all these switches are off, only drums are used. ONE-FINGER and FINGERED are two methods how to control the accompaniments.

ONE-FINGER With this on, just press a key in the lower part of keyboard (see KEY SPLIT) and the accompaniments will play music corresponding to the chord of this key. How to decide minor/major - gods know (?)

FINGERED With this on, just press keys in the lower part of keyboard (see KEY SPLIT) and the accompaniments will play music corresponding to the chord of these keys

MEMORY If this is off accompaniments will stop after key release and only drums will go on. If it’s on KN ‘remembers’ the chord.

For each rhythm there can be up to 3 accompaniment parts, different rhythm to rhythm - e.g. strings part, piano and guitar part. Switch them on or off to change the fullness of the accompaniments.

These 3 pads represent 3 drums for easy solos and fill-ins during you performance without necessity to switch to KEYBOARD PERCUSSION part. You can assign any drums to them (see Advanced section)

These buttons help you with arranging of music accompaniments. They select ‘optimal’ tempo and instrument for you. You must hold ONE TOUCH PLAY for a few seconds. Differences between them (?).

Use these 4 up and down arrows to change the volume level of DRUMS, ACCOMPs, POLY2 and POLY1. Each number on the display represents one volume level between 0 and 9.

To change volume levels of each accompaniment separately (BASS, ACCOMPANIMENT1, ACCOMPANIMENT2, ACCOMPANIMENT3) press SUB BALANCE and use the up/down buttons as described above. When you are finished with volume adjustments, press SUB BALANCE twice so that the LED is off again.

DIGITAL CELESTE adds depth and 3D effect to the instrument. It usually cannot coexist with VARIATION.

SUSTAIN holds the tones as a piano sustain pedal does.

This button defines how is the keyboard split into 2 parts (if it is split, of course). You can use 3 versions. Press the button repeatedly to change the split point (it is indicated by 3 LEDS - the lit one is the split point)

It involves only modes with auto accompaniments active. If it’s on and you play the right part of keyboard. It adds to the tone lower harmonic tones according to the played accompaniment chord.

E.g. active chord is C major and you play E note so it adds lower C and G. This may make your music more rich and harmonic and it can still be technically very easy. On the other hand the selection of the lower tones need not be always the best.

You can select tempo of the rhythms. Just press UP to speed up and DOWN to - guess what. Press both UP and DOWN simultaneously to reset the tempo to 120.

Transpose the pitch of all the parts up or down by semitones in range of 1 octave. Again UP+DOWN = reset to C.

This enables tuning of KN, up or down. Both buttons reset the tuning to 440 Hz for A.

You can pre-define some values for the keyboard and store them as 4 presets. To activate the preset just press one of the 4 preset buttons. To store the preset values press SET + one preset key. The involved values are: SOUND-SELECT, KEY-SPLIT, AUTO PLAY CHORD, EFFECT, BALANCE, TECHNI-CHORD, ACCOMP PART and (?)

This mode demonstrates some features of the keyboard by demo songs. Press DEMO to start the mode. Press START/STOP to start the main demo song.

To select demo for an instrument select an instrument in the SOUND SELECT as described above. You must first select the row (buttons in column), and then column, only blinking sounds are available. To stop the tune press START/STOP.

To select demo for a rhythm select a rhythm in the RHYTHM SELECT as described above. You must first select the row (buttons in column), and then column, only blinking rhythms are available. To stop the tune press START/STOP.

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Technics Kn 440 Manual

To exit demo mode press DEMO again

You can define four your own rhythms and accompaniments (from now called styles), COMP 1 - 4. Variation has probably no influence.

To create or edit a style select one of COMP 1 -4 and press RECORD. The LEDs in column will start blinking. Press the button of edited style again. There will be ALL on the display.

Now you can delete all the style by pressing CLEAR.

You can also define whether to use ¾ or 4/4 beat with BEAT button. It will not work if the rhythm is already recorded, you must clear it before.

You can also change QUANTIZE (level of rhythmic corrections made - however this may make the rhythm to exact or even wrong , because of lower rhythmic resolution). Press the button repeatedly to change the level.

Press RECORD again. Now you can record drums. There is a metronome on the display. Dots represent position in the beat and underscore/minus represent 1st respectively 2nd beat. Play the drums and they are recorded. You can delete only the drum part by pressing CLEAR.

Press RECORD again to record the bass figure. You can select from the SOUND SELECT which bass instrument to use. Play the bass figure (max. 2 beats). Otherwise same as drums.

Press RECORD again to record accompaniment 1 then 2 and 3 and once more again to finish recording. Now you can use your very own new rhythm and accompaniments.

Is it possible to edit INTRO/ENDINGS/endings and fill-ins (?)

To copy either your ore pre-defined music style, select the style you want to copy. Press RECORD and select one of COMP styles as destination. Now you can edit the style as described in Creating and editing styles section. It copies also intros, endings and fill-ins.

Select any COMP style. Start RECORD and get to drum section. You should press START/STOP if you don’t want to modify the style. Now press simultaneously the drum key you want to assign to the drum pad + a drum pad you want to redefine + INSTR ERASE. The drum pad should be now redefined to a new drum. You can repeat this step with the same pad or more likely with the other 2 pads. When satisfied press so many times the RECORD button so that you get out off the recording mode.

Sequencer records or plays back your recorded songs. This KN has a 3 track sequencer.

Using the POLY1, 2 and ACCOMPANIMENT buttons select which tracks you want to play back. You can play back more tracks - voices at one time. To start the playback press START/STOP.

To stop the playback press START/STOP again .If pressed again it will continue from the point where stopped.

To ‘rewind’ the sequencer switch the track buttons (e.g. POLY1) off and on again.

Pressing FILL-IN will do the same job plus it will change SOUND SELECT to default instrument. How is this defined (?)

Using the POLY1, 2 and ACCOMPANIMENT buttons select which tracks you want to play back.


Using the POLY1, 2 and ACCOMPANIMENT buttons select which track you want to record. Play.

When finished press RECORD again. Do not use START/STOP to stop recording as this will start rhythm pattern instead, which is also recorded.

This button probably involves ACCOMPANIMENT/CHORD track only. With this you can record the chord sequence step by step. You can select the chord from the lower part and specify its length wit keys in keyboard SEQUENCER range, define loops and perhaps other things.

Press STEP RECORD. Press the chord AND a key representing note length and repeat these steps. If you press a key representing note length only. There will be rest for this time during playback. Pressing loop icon loops the recorded sequence.


C major + whole note

A minor + whole note

F major + whole note

G major + whole note


You can use this track either together with other two tracks or with rhythm & accompaniments as pre-defined accompaniments. In the second case the chord sequence is applied to current rhythm and you can even use INTRO/ENDING and FILL IN.

KN can receive and send via all 16 MIDI channels at least the following events:

Technics Kn 440 Manual For Sale

KN sends Note on and Note off events if a key is pressed or if you play back sequenced data. KN sends something as well if you start rhythms or demo songs, but I didn’t manage to record it yet (?)

PITCH BEND sends Pitch bend event within standard range,

MODULATION sends Modulation 0 or 127,

SUSTAIN ( doesn’t matter whether button or pedal) sends 64 Hold (Sustain) event 0 or 127,

DIGITAL CELESTE sends 93 Chorus depth 0 or 127.

BALANCE sends 7 Volume event - the very right one sends this event through MIDI channel assigned to POLY1, the very left one sends this event through MIDI channel assigned to drums, etc. Of course BASS & ACCOMPANIMENT sends nothing, you have to use SUB BALANCE controllers (see above) to control channels assigned to BASS and ACCOMPANIMENT 1-3.

SOUND SELECT sends Program Change through active part’s MIDI channel. The programs are assigned this way (POLY1, 2):

R / C

Col. 1

Col. 2

Col. 3


Col. 16

Row 1






Row 2






Row 3






and for BASS 1 -16 only.

RHYTHM SELECT does virtually the same but in the drums MIDI channel.

COMPOSER RECORD resets modulation and Pitch Bend.

ONE FINGER sends Controller 80 0 or 2

FINGERED sends Controller 80 0 or 1

INTRO ENDING sends Controller 82 0 or 3

These events can be probably also sent from sequencer.

Expression pedal doesn’t seem to send any MIDI event.

KN receives at least the following events: Note On/Off, Pitch Bend, Modulation, Sustain, Program Change, Volume, Chorus. It can also record from MIDI IN to sequencer memory.

Press twice SUB BALANCE /MIDI - the display should display MIdI. Within approx. 3 seconds press a TEMPO arrow. Now with TEMPO you can select which music part you want to set-up. They are:

















and 2 special parts:


Control (?)


Functions (?)

In order to return from MIDI Setup, press SUB BALANCE / MIDI again.

For almost every music part you can assign a MIDI channel. First, select the part and then use SOUND SELECT buttons in the row to assign a MIDI channel 1 - 16. If KN only beeps a few times, the channel is already assigned to another music part.

You can also decide whether the selected part should play through KN’s speakers or only send MIDI events. To select this switch right VARIATION on or off.

It is also possible to set values 0 - 9 for almost every part with BALANCE POLY1 up and down. What’s this good for (?)




Output on/off




































Sheetcam license crack. Y


Unlike by an acoustic piano you can change function of the pedal. To do so, activate MIDI setup, part FUn, now, with BALANCE POLY 1, you can change the function. Possible values are:






Classical sustain pedal


Glissando (?)

Pedal slides the tone 1 semitone down and when released 1 semitone up again. No MIDI event is assigned. This function works only with some instruments such as guitars or some brass.



Techni-chord mode (see above) controlled with the food switch.



START/STOP controlled with the food switch.



FILL IN controlled with the food switch.



INTRO / ENDING controlled with the food switch.

There are also some switches that seem to be common for all music parts. They are controlled with RHYTHM SELECT buttons in the row and with SYNCHRO and START/STOP. They can be on or off independently on the other switches.



16 BEAT 1

(?) Lower degree of polyphony, only POLY1 enabled, CONDUCTOR disabled

16 BEAT 2



Remaps SOUND SELECT and RHYTHM SELCT buttons contra Program Change in a strange way.


Disables MIDI Pitch Bend and other Controllers (Modulation, Sustain, Chorus)


Disables MIDI Program Change




(?) Display turns to ---.


(?) Probably something with MIDI clock


The pedal input expects a resistor connected. If the resistance is about 0 Ohm the expression or volume is maximal. Resistance (very approx.) about 1000 Ohm represents minimal expression.

Expected values on this input are either short or open. The short circuit represent released foot switch and the open circuit represents active/pressed pedal. The open circuit must be really open as resistors about 5K don’t matter. The current is approx. 0.5 mA and voltage about 4.5 V.

If you know the answer, please, let me know:

Technics Kn 440 Manual Download

© Tomas Kubec 1997, 1998
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Library. Technics. Technics has done more than almost any other company to further the cause of vinyl playback. Many thousands of records have been mastered on SP-02 cutting lathes, played over the airwaves on SP10 professional turntables and ended up on one of the many domestic turntables they have produced over the last 30 years. This manual was created on trial-error basis and can be incomplete or even wrong in some parts. However it can be perhaps a bit helpful and if you dont have a manual its better than nothing. This document involves Technics KN400 keyboard but I hope there are many similarities in KN-series and the document can help also owners of slightly different keyboards. If you know something not mentioned here or if you know that something written here is wrong, please let me know. computer) to control KN and make it to play MIDI OUT sends events (e.g. KN is used as a master keyboard for a computer) MIDI THRU lets pass MIDI events from MIDI IN to another instrument it's for a complex chain of MIDI instruments. Topics I dont know or Im not sure about are marked with (? POLY1 primary instrument POLY2 secondary instrument left hand instrument in split-keyboard mode BASS 1 octave lower transposed bass instrument, not polyphonic ACCOMP 1-3 see Rhythm & accompaniment DRUMS Each key represents one drum (or nothing) POWER Power on/off MAIN VOLUME Amplification level valid for all music parts PITCH BEND moving the wheel smoothly changes the pitch /- 2 semitones, perfect for rock-guitar solos. )) The slider switches modulation (vibrato) on/off. Of course, each part can be assigned with another instrument. The instrument is selected from a matrix of instruments like in chess JAZZ GUITAR is 2nd row button and 3rd column button, order doesn't matter. Each instrument has 2 variations/timbers they can be altered with right VARIATION button Bass instruments are only 16 and so only column buttons are relevant, no variation is available either. Rhythm is selected the same way as a sound through a matrix of rhythms again DIXIE is 4th column button (i.e. Conductor determines which part is active - Drums/Bass/POLY1/POLY2. 4th in the row of buttons) and 2nd row button (i.e. Upper POLY2 splits keyboard so that upper part of keyboard plays POLY1 (e.g. 2nd button in the column of buttons) Variation is also possible. START/STOP To start the playback press START/STOP button, to stop it, press the button again. INTRO/ENDING If you want to start the song with an overture, press INTRO/ENDING button and then START/STOP. To end the tune with a nice ending, press the INTRO/ENDING again instead of START/STOP. FILL IN plays a rhythmic break during playback SYNCHRO Synchronizes the playback or start of the playback to your key-hits Not only drums can be added to your music but also accompaniments such as bass-line and background chords. This section helps you to select whether to use it and how to use. If all these switches are off, only drums are used. ONE-FINGER and FINGERED are two methods how to control the accompaniments. ONE-FINGER With this on, just press a key in the lower part of keyboard (see KEY SPLIT) and the accompaniments will play music corresponding to the chord of this key. ) FINGERED With this on, just press keys in the lower part of keyboard (see KEY SPLIT) and the accompaniments will play music corresponding to the chord of these keys MEMORY If this is off accompaniments will stop after key release and only drums will go on. Use these 4 up and down arrows to change the volume level of DRUMS, ACCOMPs, POLY2 and POLY1. Each number on the display represents one volume level between 0 and 9. To change volume levels of each accompaniment separately (BASS, ACCOMPANIMENT1, ACCOMPANIMENT2, ACCOMPANIMENT3) press SUB BALANCE and use the up/down buttons as described above. When you are finished with volume adjustments, press SUB BALANCE twice so that the LED is off again. This button defines how is the keyboard split into 2 parts (if it is split, of course). Press the button repeatedly to change the split point (it is indicated by 3 LEDS - the lit one is the split point) It involves only modes with auto accompaniments active. It adds to the tone lower harmonic tones according to the played accompaniment chord. active chord is C major and you play E note so it adds lower C and G. This may make your music more rich and harmonic and it can still be technically very easy. On the other hand the selection of the lower tones need not be always the best. Press RECORD again to record accompaniment 1 then 2 and 3 and once more again to finish recording. You can pre-define some values for the keyboard and store them as 4 presets. Now you can use your very own new rhythm and accompaniments. To activate the preset just press one of the 4 preset buttons. Dots represent position in the beat and underscore/minus represent 1 the drum part by pressing CLEAR. You can select from the SOUND SELECT which bass instrument to use. Is it possible to edit INTRO/ENDINGS/endings and fill-ins (? To store the preset values press SET one preset key. ) To copy either your ore pre-defined music style, select the style you want to copy. You should press START/STOP if you dont want to modify the style. The involved values are: SOUND-SELECT, KEY-SPLIT, AUTO PLAY CHORD, EFFECT, BALANCE, TECHNI-CHORD, ACCOMP PART and (? To select demo for an instrument select an instrument in the SOUND SELECT as described above. Now you can delete all the style by pressing CLEAR. Press RECORD and select one of COMP styles as destination. Now press simultaneously the drum key you want to assign to the drum pad a drum pad you want to redefine INSTR ERASE. ) This mode demonstrates some features of the keyboard by demo songs. You must first select the row (buttons in column), and then column, only blinking sounds are available. To select demo for a rhythm select a rhythm in the RHYTHM SELECT as described above. You can also change QUANTIZE (level of rhythmic corrections made - however this may make the rhythm to exact or even wrong , because of lower rhythmic resolution). Now you can edit the style as described in Creating and editing styles section. The drum pad should be now redefined to a new drum. You must first select the row (buttons in column), and then column, only blinking rhythms are available. To exit demo mode press DEMO again To create or edit a style select one of COMP 1 -4 and press RECORD. You can repeat this step with the same pad or more likely with the other 2 pads. When satisfied press so many times the RECORD button so that you get out off the recording mode. Using the POLY1, 2 and ACCOMPANIMENT buttons select which tracks you want to play back. If pressed again it will continue from the point where stopped. Do not use START/STOP to stop recording as this will start rhythm pattern instead, which is also recorded. You can play back more tracks - voices at one time. To rewind the sequencer switch the track buttons (e.g. Pressing FILL-IN will do the same job plus it will change SOUND SELECT to default instrument. ) Using the POLY1, 2 and ACCOMPANIMENT buttons select which tracks you want to play back. Using the POLY1, 2 and ACCOMPANIMENT buttons select which track you want to record. This button probably involves ACCOMPANIMENT/CHORD track only. Example: C major whole note A minor whole note F major whole note G major whole note Loop You can use this track either together with other two tracks or with rhythm & accompaniments as pre-defined accompaniments. With this you can record the chord sequence step by step. In the second case the chord sequence is applied to current rhythm and you can even use INTRO/ENDING and FILL IN. You can select the chord from the lower part and specify its length wit keys in keyboard SEQUENCER range, define loops and perhaps other things. Press the chord AND a key representing note length and repeat these steps. PITCH BEND sends Pitch bend event within standard range, MODULATION sends Modulation 0 or 127, SUSTAIN ( doesnt matter whether button or pedal) sends 64 Hold (Sustain) event 0 or 127, DIGITAL CELESTE sends 93 Chorus depth 0 or 127. BALANCE sends 7 Volume event - the very right one sends this event through MIDI channel assigned to POLY1, the very left one sends this event through MIDI channel assigned to drums, etc. Of course BASS & ACCOMPANIMENT sends nothing, you have to use SUB BALANCE controllers (see above) to control channels assigned to BASS and ACCOMPANIMENT 1-3. SOUND SELECT sends Program Change through active parts MIDI channel. The programs are assigned this way (POLY1, 2): RHYTHM SELECT does virtually the same but in the drums MIDI channel. ONE FINGER sends Controller 80 0 or 2 FINGERED sends Controller 80 0 or 1 INTRO ENDING sends Controller 82 0 or 3 For almost every music part you can assign a MIDI channel. First, select the part and then use SOUND SELECT buttons in the row to assign a MIDI channel 1 - 16. If KN only beeps a few times, the channel is already assigned to another music part. You can also decide whether the selected part should play through KNs speakers or only send MIDI events. It is also possible to set values 0 - 9 for almost every part with BALANCE POLY1 up and down. ) Overview There are also some switches that seem to be common for all music parts. They are controlled with RHYTHM SELECT buttons in the row and with SYNCHRO and START/STOP. They can be on or off independently on the other switches. Expected values on this input are either short or open. The short circuit represent released foot switch and the open circuit represents active/pressed pedal. The open circuit must be really open as resistors about 5K dont matter. .
This manual was created on trial-error basis and can be incomplete or even wrong in some parts. However it can be perhaps a bit helpful and if you dont have a manual its better than nothing. This document involves Technics KN400 keyboard but I hope there are many similarities in KN-series and the document can help also owners of slightly different keyboards. If you know something not mentioned here or if you know that something written here is wrong, please let me know. computer) to control KN and make it to play MIDI OUT sends events (e.g. KN is used as a master keyboard for a computer) MIDI THRU lets pass MIDI events from MIDI IN to another instrument it's for a complex chain of MIDI instruments. Topics I dont know or Im not sure about are marked with (? POLY1 primary instrument POLY2 secondary instrument left hand instrument in split-keyboard mode BASS 1 octave lower transposed bass instrument, not polyphonic ACCOMP 1-3 see Rhythm & accompaniment DRUMS Each key represents one drum (or nothing) POWER Power on/off MAIN VOLUME Amplification level valid for all music parts PITCH BEND moving the wheel smoothly changes the pitch /- 2 semitones, perfect for rock-guitar solos. )) The slider switches modulation (vibrato) on/off. Of course, each part can be assigned with another instrument.
Technics Keyboard: The wide range of Technics Instruments are renowned for sound quality and reliability. Welcome to our NEW Technics keyboard information website, we're preparing all of the specifications, downloads and manuals for your keyboard. There are many instruments in the range so if you would like us to prioritise yours please use the 'contact us' form. We'll move your instrument to the top of the list and email you when the page is completed. There are issues with installing the software on some newer versions of Windows. If you have questions for other owners of the same keyboard, join in the discussion below and you will get a quick response to your query either from us or from other members. Read more about installing Windows driver software on our companion site KN7000uk 1: Upload and Download Songs Simply: Connect the instrument to your PC with a single USB cable to transfer song data. 2: Upload Pictures Use pictures that you have taken with a digital still camera and saved onto your PC to make slide shows. Record your performance as WAV (16-bit, 44.1-k Hz stereo) or compress the file as Windows Media Format, or MP3, depending on how you want to use it. For example, you could send compressed files as e-mail attachments or burn CD-R discs from high quality WAV files. *Some audio files created using other applications cannot be opened by Audio Recorder. *Compressed digital audio data cannot be converted into WAV format or re-compressed into other formats.

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Technics Diagrams, Schematics and Service Manuals - download for free! Including technics a700 integrated amplifier schematic, technics sea3 power amplifier service manual, technics sea5 mk2 power amplifier service manual, technics sea 5 power amplifier schematic, technics sea1010 power amplifier service manual, technics sea2000 power amplifier service manual, technics sea3000 amplifier. Many websites were linking to the manuals and using our bandwidth. So manuals are now only available to website members. There are many other benefits to being a member including access to Free Technics keyboard files, MIDIs and other downloads. These websites are run and maintained by me, with the help of a few volunteers. My great thanks go to John Dawson who helped to find many of the files below.
Been gifted a Technics KN570, older but still fully working and like to learn to play it. Does anyone have the specific KN570 User Guide available please. In the meantime I have downloaded the KN550 guide from here as the KN550, 560, 570 are all par… Been gifted a Technics KN570, older but still fully working and like to learn to play it. Does anyone have the specific KN570 User Guide available please. Cheers Edit: Should have done this first, but I have now opened the file and it is for the 550, 650 and 570 !!.
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Technics Keyboards Downloads KN750 Technics KN750 Files - KN750 is compatible with KN1000. Technics KN750 User Manual. I haven't been able to locate the KN750 User Manual yet.
Audio demo of Technics KN470 - Audiofanzine Technics KN470 how does it sound? Listen to 1 audio example for free in MP3 format
Technics SX-KN600 Technics SX-KN800 Manual - deep!sonic Technics. OWNER'S MANUAL. Vol. 1. Caution. Voltage except North America. Be sure the. Thank you for purchasing the Technics KN Series Keyboard.
Drum Machines & Rack Mounts ?Sounds & Samples ?Mega pack Collection ?. technics kn 5000 6000 65000 2000 3000 replacement keys. MANUAL AVAILABLE. New Floppy Drive USB Emulator For Technics SX KN-2000 KN-750 Synthesizer Music Keyboard Yes you can now upgrade your old keyboard to save on a USB Flash Drive Details: With this device you can throw away all your floppy disks and use one single USB Flash drive instead. The Flash drive is preprogrammed to work with your specific keyboard and you don't need to install any software or any firmware. You don't even have to have a computer to use this. All you have to do is open your keyboard, remove the old outdated floppy drive and replace it with this. Then use the provided USB drive to save your work or load your saved work from it.
Operating Manuals for most Panasonic products are now available On-Line in Adobe PDF format. If you have the Acrobat Reader installed on your computer you may view the document directly. You can also chose to download the file to your PC for future reference or printing. Acrobat Reader is available free of charge from the Adobe website. .
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